
About LabEx IGO

The LabEx IGO aims at fostering transdisciplinary projects between 20 scientific teams in Nantes, Angers, Rennes and Brest, with complementary expertise in transplantation and tumor immunology, autoimmunity, inflammation, radio-immunotherapy, infection & host/pathogen interactions.

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It was labeled in 2012 by the French Ministry of Research and Education among very competitive scientific clusters of excellence called LabEx for “Laboratoire d’Excellence”, as part of the governmental initiative “Investissements d’Avenir” (investing in the future). These initiatives aim to distribute significant resources to French laboratories to increase their international visibility and attractivity, to develop research, to support training initiatives and to promote research findings.

The LabEx IGO was initially financed for a 8-year period, from March 2012 to December 2019. In 2019, following an evaluation by an international jury, based on its scientific results and the impact of its activities on the structuring of immunology teams in the French large-western region, the LabEx IGO was extended for 5 years (2020-2024). Since 2022, the LabEx IGO has been integrated into the NExt I-Site programme, built by major local higher education and research institutions to develop research, higher education and innovation in Nantes, selected by the French Investments for the future program (PIA) and financed by France 2030, ANR, Region Pays-de-la-Loire, Nantes Metropole, FEDER.

Currently, the LabEx IGO gathers about 570 members (scientists, students, technical staff) from 20 research teams located in 5 academic research units (UMR1307, UMR1064, UMR1236, UMR1227, UMR1302) of the French large-western region (Nantes, Angers, Rennes, Brest).

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